Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning

Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning

A few years back I picked up a name brand Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning, and we just loved it! It gave everything we put it on that kinda over the top intense taste that’s really pretty crave-able. Sometimes that’s so satisfying. But there were a few things I didn’t like so much, so in true frugal fashion, I decided it was time to mix up my own Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning.

Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning

Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning


See, all that flavor can come at a price. Most Rotisserie Chicken Seasonings have additives, some have MSG and/or Citric Acid, and almost all of them have quite a bit of Salt. One name brand lists its first ingredient as salt and that’s saying a lot because the second ingredient is onion, then spices are all lumped together as the third ingredient. That means more salt than seasoning! Oye!

About Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning:

I sure can’t claim that this is an exact “copycat” Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning, but just like the real stuff, it does have it’s own special magic it brings to the party. It has a little bit of sass and a touch of spice and those seasonings and spices are going to give your chicken the most gorgeous taste imaginable. It also gives your chicken a gorgeous color and after all, we eat with our eyes first,

I use it on my own Rotisserie-Style Chicken (No Rotisserie Needed) and it’s so handy to sprinkle on just about any chicken when you’re faced with getting dinner on the table and don’t have any inspiration. You can’t go wrong with sprinkling a little in your chicken salad, either. Just sayin’

But you’re not limited to using this just on chicken or any of the standard uses, for that matter. Sprinkle Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning on your baked potato wedges & fries, whether they’re sweet potato or standard. I love it on my Bomb Oven Roasted Potatoes. I like to sprinkle it on my Easy Sausage Sheet Tray Bake for a little zip, too.

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Making Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning:

One of the nice things about making your own spice blends is that you can control the ingredients, which is especially great if you’re on any type of diet or have restrictions on what you can eat. I’m always loving that.

I especially love that I can control the amount of salt, although I have to admit that less salt can sometimes take a little getting used to, as can the lack of punchy ingredients like MSG or Citric Acid. Just as a side note, you can actually buy both MSG and Citric Acid. Citric Acid is pretty commonly used in commercial products, but also at home for cheese making, curing, and canning. I actually have it in my cupboard, though I haven’t really used it as an “additive” in any recipe, let alone in my seasonings.

My son and his friends like the more over the top saltiness from the full teaspoon of salt in this blend, which makes it taste (when used heavily) a lot like the intensely flavored store-bought rotisserie chickens. I think it’s partially a generational thing; I tried to limit it, but there’s no doubt he grew up with more processed and salt-laden foods than I did. I was born in the ’50s, he was born in the ’90s! I’m a little more conservative and cut the salt back to 1/2 teaspoon in the seasoning. You can always add more, but you can’t take away.

Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning

Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning

Saving Money on Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning:

Making your own blends is often a money-saving proposition, especially when you’re comparing it to buying a blend with a lot of salt in it. I don’t like to pay a premium price for salt, and these blends run from $2.99 for three ounces and up. Generic old table salt is around 89 cents for 16 ounces. If you’d like to see more of my Spice and Herb Blends, check out my menu for Spice Herb & Flavor Packet Substitutes.

Think outside the box when buying spices; I rarely visit the spice aisle any longer. I look for the basic common spices in jugs, especially ones I know I’ll go through in my blends and rubs. I find great prices in the little bags in the produce aisle. While some stores might have a bulk area where you can buy just the amount of spice you need, for the most part, you’ll be paying more for spices that way. The only time I would ever consider it is when I know it’s a one-off spice or herb that I’ll likely never use again.

Spices I don’t use often, I’ll buy in the seed form if it’s available. Most will keep for literally years in a glass jar, tightly lidded, in a cool, dark cupboard. Then when I need a bit I can pull out my coffee grinder (back in the day when I bought mine, spice grinders were far more expensive than coffee grinders) and whiz it into powder. That way I’m not tossing old jars of spices that have lost their oomph. If you have a spice that just won’t break down all the way to a powdery substance, shake it through a small strainer.

White pepper is the spice that might not be in everyone’s pantry. This is a great spice to use if you make any Chinese food; it’s essential (IMHO) and is probably one of the spices that will give you that “aha” moment when you taste it. It really doesn’t taste like black pepper. It’s a great candidate to buy in whole form (it keeps forever that way) and grind for the freshest flavor.

Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning

Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning


Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning

Try this on Rotisserie Chicken, but don’t be afraid to spinkle this magic dust anywhere inspiration hits!

  • Author: mollie
  • Yield: 1 tablespoon 1x
  • Category: Spice & Herb Blends
  • Cuisine: American


  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon white pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne
  • 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric


Mix together, store in an airtight container in a dark, cool cupboard.


Multiply out in the upper right hand corner.

Keywords: Spice & Herb Blends, Rotisserie Chicken

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I’ll be linking up my Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning at Angie’s Fiesta Friday #297.


If you liked this post on Herbs and Spices you might also like:

Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning is like a little magic in your cupboard. Use it on your Rotisserie Chicken, but don't stop there! Add it to chicken salad, potatoes, anything you can think of! #RotisserieSpice #RotisserieSeasoningBlend #RotisserieChickenSeasoning

8 thoughts on “Homemade Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning

  1. Ron

    Mollie, it’s such a cost savings to make your rubs and seasoning blends, especially here. I’ll give your rotisserie chicken blend a go as it’s different form my Swedish blend. Ours has a tad of powdered curry in it as well as ground rose pepper. Thanks for sharing.

    • FrugalHausfrau

      Thanks Ron! That curry sounds wonderful, too. Two of my favorite sandwiches are curried chicken salad in pitas or curried egg salad sandwiches.

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